To Germany

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Please speak to me | only of the present |
or if you must | bring up the past |
bring up only that | which you and I |
don't share. I know | this is a selfish |
thing to ask. Yes, as I | have often |
remarked, shore lunch | at hanging rock |
was lovely. Your | hair and mine |
stayed put. Later on | we didn't, as we |
do now, pull it from | each other's clothes |
as if for final proof | that we've been |
sleeping with | each other. |
we scrape across | with paddles toward |
the weedtops, | sticking up, like alien |
flags, above | the invisible |
settlements, the castle | you've dropped |
your hooks | inside of. I love |
how destructive | you are with the fishes, |
so go ahead | and bring your war |
against them, Ramona, | against the duck, |
against time, | against any things |
that swim. Our fiber- | glass canoe is of |
I can now confirm that I am not just fatter
than everyone I work with, but I’m also fatter
than all their spouses. Even the heavily bearded
bear in accounting has a little otter-like boyfriend.
When my co-workers brightly introduce me
as “the funny one in the office,” their spouses
give them a look which translates to, Well, duh,
then they both wait for me to say something funny.
A gaggle of models comes shrieking into the bar
to further punctuate why I sometimes hate living
in this city. They glitter, a shiny gang of scissors.
I don’t know how to look like I’m not struggling.
Sometimes on the subway back to Queens,
I can tell who’s staying on past the Lexington stop
because I have bought their shoes before at Payless.
They are shoes that fool absolutely no one.
Everyone wore their special holiday party outfits.
It wasn’t until I arrived at the bar that I realized
my special holiday party outfit was exactly the same
as the outfits worn by the restaurant’s busboys.
While I’m standing in line for the bathroom,
another patron asks if I’m there to clean it.
Joe Betz © 2009
design & code Quite Random