Begin Again-ings

Gordinier describes his interest in the opening lines of poems: "I look for an opening line that teases me, haunts me, or slaps me across the face: I’m a journalist by training, so I am susceptible to the impact of a great lead." Journalist or not, the beginning lines of a poem, especially when just "flipping," are crucial to the entertainment value on which an entire book can be judged.
The word "entertainment" should not make you cringe when thinking about literature; we read because we seek entertainment on a large scale, where learning and mindless disconnect are at opposite ends. It is true that a book can be and often is made more "readable" to tip the scale, but that issue is too abstract to place in this post. Most importantly in terms of writing, we must make our opening lines–prose or poetry–equal to our best lines in order to fulfill one of the larger goals of writing: to connect with another person.
This is not to reduce writing into an advertisement gimmick, but to show the importance of first impressions. First lines aren't everything, but they can be for a reader flipping through your book. So, as we all head to the local bookstore, and if you are in St. Louis, MO I encourage you to visit my former place of employment and all around awesome shop Subterranean Books, flip around a few unknowns and give one a chance.
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